Saturday, February 18, 2006
Karen's initial blog thoughts

Today was one of the more remarkable days of my life. Despite having a basic itinerary for the day for our visiting friend, Steve Hagen, one destination led to one random experience after another and the day took on a magical journey all of its own. On the walk to El Centro, we pass a man leading his 2 burros loaded for el mercado. Breakfast of crispy pancakes (stuffed with blueberries, coated in cornflakes and served with thick sweetened cream). Then randomly meet our potential neighbors who have alarming connections to California (live near Steve), advertising (knew the media buyer at Mike's first ad agency job in NYC in 1973), stumble into a casual talk of folk art by the lady of the couple who owns the B&B next door to our new casa. Did you know that there are 60 different indigenous ethnic groups in Mexico despite the Spaniards trying to annihilate them in the 1700's? Each with its own language, culture, and identifying folk art: paper-making, weaving in silk or weaving with one continuous thread, with specific colors and meaningful icons (e.g. if you're pregnant you wear a design with frogs).
Now it's off to a courtyard lounge with a group of 9 (It's easy to make friends here.) and margaritas that are 2 for 1. What's not to like??
And did I mention that last night we went to a concert including a blues singer from Australia, a ukelele-playing lady from Seattle (who looks like the lady in the Far Side cartoons) and a wild steel-banjo and guitar playing burnt-out hippie from Texas. (Yes, there are some cool people who come from Texas, despite what anybody tells you --- no offense, Spike.)