Thursday, June 26, 2008


A Belated Adieu Bo Diddley, another hero and musical icon who died a month or so ago. He's quoted in the New York Times as having said, "Don't trust nobody but your mama, and even then look at her real good."

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Love To Travel?

This YouTube clip should whet your appetite. It sure did for us. And put smiles on our faces to boot. (compliments of our friend, Kate)


Reggae Rules!

Our friends Mary and Stephanie just turned us on to this song. Maybe Karen and I are the last folks in the world to have heard it, but just in case that's not true, I want to share it with our blog fans. Laugh and/or snort (you know who you are) to your heart's content.


End of an Era

As most of you know by now, George Carlin died this past weekend. For those of us who love diddling with the English language, he was a role model and hero. For those of us who despise hypocrisy and bullshit, he will be sorely missed. Anyway, here are two favorite quotes I'd like to share -- one about him and one by him.

"He didn’t seem stoned, exactly, but a lot of his humor appeared to come from that part of the brain that lesser people need drugs to activate." -- from a NYTimes Obituary

“Scratch any cynic,” he said, “and you’ll find a disappointed idealist.” -- George Carlin

Saturday, June 14, 2008



Next time you raise a glass with your sweetie, and are looking for a new toast, consider this one from William Butler Yeats:

A Drinking Song
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Another Guest Post... of sorts

We recently received this e-mail from our friend Valerie Gebert, doing a one-shot musical director gig in Hong Hong for a corporate client. Thought you'd enjoy her amusing tale of woe as much as we did.

Hong Kong Horrors I

This Hong Kong gig is a Nightmare. The "cast" is composed of misfits -- mostly from the Philippines -- who sing in church together and think this is the most fantastic job they've ever had. Tey all work, some until 8 pm ... some until 11 pm ... Never are they all available until the night of the gig. Their agent -- Babe Tree -- (I am not making this up) doesn't see the problem with this. They will learn it by watching the others. When?? Say I, on the subway coming to rehearsal?

Babe precast these folks and we were forced to make changes after a first listen. Her Phantom is a teenaged dancer who has no breath support, no sense of pitch and no vibrato. But he's quite handsome and does a lot of movies. Perfect, Babe. Christine, is a pudgy gnome of a middle-aged gal with graying hair and a snaggle tooth. No kidding. A fucking snaggle tooth. Our director, Dan Siretta, also sports a dental outburst which he swears he is having fixed when he returns to the states, after seeing Aurora's Bugs Bunny smile.

By the way -- Babe Tree is changing her name to B.A. Tree cuz her feng shui master said it would bring her more money. Fat chance.

The last performer to arrive at our Thursday 11 PM (!!!!) rehearsal was Willy H. -- he's a solo artist and seems to only be able to produce a vocal sound by planting his feet in a cowboy stance, bending his knees, gulping some air and letting a WAIL rip. Pitch doesn't seem to be something he's interested in replicating. He's an "event" -- his resume even says so. Luck for us, he's the one who can't seem to be at any of the rehearsals until next Wednesday which he told me during our private YELL-through of his Les Miz solo.

Babe seemed to be shocked at this news and agreed that we needed to find a back-up, but doesn't know of anyone who sings high. PERFECT!

My Producer is beside himself with worry, angst and consternation ( these are the step-children of "Faith, Hope and Charity"). He's passive aggressive, though and always seems to be putting on a good face for the client. He said that if he had his way, he would cancel our show and hire a rock band to entertain. He's not in charge, however, he's just the hired help. He's embarrassed and scared. TEEE-RI-FIC!

The director, Dan Siretta will start staging tonight (only 8 of the 12 --now 11 -- performers can come to this rehearsal). He's threatened to have them all sit as if on toilets and simply make flushing motions. (It's very Tommy Tune) He's a very funny man and has kept me in stitches with his impressions of the HK talent. That's good therapy.

I've simplified everything. Melody only. Back up vocals on the playback tape. There are three Chinese performers who have the "L" --"R" issue and I just giggle when I hear it. My name is particularly difficult for them. I've told them to call me "BIG V" -- this seems to work just fine.

I'll write more if the yuks keep coming. If? Ha! I saw some of the costumes arrive last night. All the girls were asked to sew their own gowns. Good lord, it's going to look like an Appalachia shot-gun wedding.


Rye Whiskey

Who says you gotta have a college degree to be smart? Here are the first and last stanzas from this classic old drinking song:

I'll eat when I'm hungry, I'll drink when I'm dry;
If the hard times don't kill me. I'll live till I die.

You may boast of your knowledge, and brag of your sense,
'Twill be all forgotten a hundred years hence.


Sad, but True

This from Garrison Keillor: On Memorial Day we hear about men who gave their lives for their country, but many lives were not given, they were taken, and taken stupidly and carelessly.

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