Saturday, March 28, 2009


So True

This poem popped on Writer's Almanac the other morning. I thought it well worth sharing...

Meditation on Ruin

by Jay Hopler

It's not the lost lover that brings us to ruin, or the barroom brawl,
or the con game gone bad, or the beating
Taken in the alleyway. But the lost car keys,
The broken shoelace,
The overcharge at the gas pump
Which we broach without comment — these are the things that
eat away at life, these constant vibrations
In the web of the unremarkable.

The death of a father — the death of the mother —
The sudden loss shocks the living flesh alive! But the broken
pair of glasses,
The tear in the trousers,
These begin an ache behind the eyes.
And it's this ache to which we will ourselves
Oblivious. We are oblivious. Then, one morning—there's a
crack in the water glass
—we wake to find ourselves undone.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hard Times

My friend, Mister Steve, just sent me this quote from a recent NY Times article entitled, "China's Big Recycling Market Is Sagging.

"Even trash has become worthless".

A real comment on the current downturn, no?


Half Full Glass

Each morning, Karen receives a Story of the Day -- an e-mailed bit of wisdom, humor and/or inspiration. Sometimes I find the pieces a little too cutesy, but I really liked the sentiment of this one. Hope you do too.

More Fair

They left me
with your shadow,
saying things like
Life is not fair

& I believed them
for a long time.

But today,
I remembered
the way you laughed
& the heat
of your hand
in mine

& I knew that
life is more fair
than we can
ever imagine
we are there to live it

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