Thursday, November 09, 2006
A Moving Tribute

Our Day of the Dead experience was in the state of Michoacan, south and west of San Miguel. On a bus tour with a group of mostly spoiled, rich, elderly Gringos. But that's another story. We stayed in the capital city of Morelia, an old (circa 1600), but wonderfully vibrant university town of 700,000. On our walking tour, we visited a nearby music conservatory. There, meandering through the baroque courtyards and gardens, students had created a tribute to the hundreds of young women who are annually murdered in Mexico. Almost all of these crimes are unsolved, and according to the accompanying posters, seldom pursued with any vigor by local authorities. It was great public art. Made me sad and angry, but deeply impressed with the students' compassion and energy. Here's to a new generation and maybe, just maybe, a better future.