Tuesday, July 10, 2007
July Visitors

Being from SC, we're used to seeing a lot of egrets in the marshes along the coast. What a surprise to discover hundreds of them nesting high up in the trees of Parque Juarez (San Miguel's "Central Park"), hundreds of miles from any ocean. At a distance they appear to be large fluffy globs of snow that haven't yet melted after a storm. Up close, well... let me first say that egrets are large animals with active digestive systems. Guano covers the walkways of the park, and most leaves on low-lying vegetation are generously mottled in white. Park visitors gaze upward to both marvel at these large, graceful birds, and to dodge the falling guano. And the smell? You can only imagine. Oh yeah, and then there's the soundtrack. Imagine Marilyn Monroe stepping up to a microphone, smiling her most seductive smile. She parts her lips to speak and out comes Bobcat Goldwait. We recently visited some folks who were paying $33,000/month to rent an astoundingly beautiful mansion adjacent to the park. As much as they enjoyed watching the birds, they definitely would've preferred monarch butterflies.