Sunday, July 15, 2007


Teeth Cleaning

Yesterday we had yet another encounter with the Mexican health care system, and had yet another great experience. We weren't necessarily surprised by the quality of the work, but in a country that seems to move in second gear most of the time, we were blown away by the dentist's speed and efficiency. [Yes, I said dentist, not hygienist.] Unlike in the States, she had an assistant wielding the the little suction contraption so there were no little "you can spit now" breaks. No idle chit-chat, either, even though she spoke near-perfect English. Once she turned on her cleaning tool, she didn't stop 'til we were done, motivated perhaps by the high-energy rock n' roll soundtrack filling the office. No obligatory x-rays either. When she finished with me, she declared me fit and food-worthy -- only joking that I ought to eat more candy so she might get more of my business. When Karen finished, the dentist pointed out three little cavities & scheduled a follow-up session. The cost for the cleaning: about $40. The cost for the fillings: $75 each and took about 30 minutes to fill all three.

My intention is not to get into any Michael Moore debates with anyone, but I can assure those of you who kept asking, "But what are going to do if you need health care?" you can all rest easy. In fact, if you need some dental work done, here's a suggestion: feel free to come down and use one of our guest rooms.

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