Thursday, October 11, 2007


Waking Life

Dustin bought us this DVD for Christmas about five years ago. We watched it, were completely overwhelmed, and over time, totally forgot about it. After stumbling across one of Richard Linklater's other films, Before Sunrise, on our local movie channel, and liking it a lot, we decided to pull Waking Life off the shelf and give it another try... with our friends Warren & Tuli. We were all blown away!! If you haven't seen it, do. It's probably unlike any other film you've ever seen; imagine if Soren Kierkegaard and Timothy Leary had decided to do a film together. The animation -- done by thirty different artists -- is alone worth the price of admission.

P.S. Yesterday, reading an interview with the writer/director (Richard Linklater), I came across this quote:

I love the athletes who thank God. It's like, if you hit a home run, then God was with you but not the pitcher? I'd like to see someone once say, "No thanks to God, except for creating the universe. But beyond that, we know you haven't done shit for about 15 billion years!" [laughs]

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