Friday, November 02, 2007

Maybe they get it from American TV shows, or possibly from relatives back in the U.S. Whatever the reason, all the kids in our neighborhood know about, and are excited about, the North American holiday that immediately precedes their traditional Day of the Dead festivities. Three or four days ago, they started yelling out at us as we left our house, "Halloween? Halloween?" Grinning, hands outstretched. Sure enough, at dusk on the 31st, a gaggle of excited kids showed up at our front door. Problem is, no one bothered to tell them what to say. We opened the door and were greeted with a chorus of "Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!" Pretty hilarious. We tried coaching them to say, "trick or treat." Which they tried, as best they could, to parrot, not having a freakin' clue what they were saying. We loaded them up with dulces (candies) and galletas (cookies) Karen had made, and watched them dance their way down the street, a swirling, giggling mass of pure joy.