Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Mexican Surgery

Background: After a few too many rum punches in St. Martin, yours truly stepped out of the shower onto a very wet and very slick tile floor. Next thing I knew, I was on my ass, having apparently broken the fall with my right elbow, which was dripping blood and aching. Fuck! Trooper that I am, I sucked down some Nuprin, slapped on a Bandaid and kept on partying. The only problem: when I returned home, I discovered I'd grown something that looked very much like a nipple where the cut had been on my elbow. Something that seemed to be growing larger by the hour, like it was oozing out of my body!! Based on the advice of Karen's brother, Doctor Dale -- ("It ain't gonna go away by itself.") -- I decided to see a doctor here.
What a revelation! When I arrived for my appointment, he was waiting for me at his desk, wearing golf shirt, jeans and a big smile. My kinda guy. He looked at my elbow, took a quick history and directed me to meet him at the local private hospital later in the day. (He said he wasn't set up for in-office surgeries.) Since we happened to arrive at the same time, he walked me back to a little treatment room -- (no lines, pre-op tests, formalities or registration bullshit) -- kidded around with the nurses for a few minutes, told me to lie down and went to work. Fifteen minutes and four stitches later I was in the hospital "office," paying cash. $200USD plus the office visit. Want some ideas on how to fix the health care mess in the U.S.? Come on down and pay us a visit.