Wednesday, July 16, 2008


A Cautionary Tale of Two Peppers

While at the market Monday, I came across a bin of cute little yellow and orange peppers. Our friend Valerie Hollinger had turned us on to these ultra-sweet little guys, lightly coated with olive oil and oven roasted, when we were back in Greenville. I called Valerie, confirmed her recipe, and threw them in the oven, sure I would delight our dinner guest. When I checked on them 15-20 minutes later, I popped one in my mouth to be sure they were nicely cooked and as delicious as I remembered. Holy shit!!! Three little bites and my mouth erupted in flames, tears poured from my eyes and saliva dribbled down my chin. I guess you foodie friends know what's coming. Failing to pay any attention to the store signage, I'd inadvertently picked up a bunch of Habañeros. A Scoville jump from zero to 100,000+. Long, story short, I spit out what I could and started guzzling the steamed milk I had leftover from an afternoon cappuccino, and chased it with several shots of tequila. The next half hour was pure misery, but thankfully, blister free. I don't even want to tell you about the ensuing twelve hours! Yesterday an always sympathetic Karen was working on learning the Spanish word for Dumbshit.

Mike Goot! That is just so funny. Miss you.

Robbin, not tyler my blogger account is tied to his...somehow.
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