Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Holy Crap!!!

I'll say right up front, I'm sorry I don't have any video. But I was pretty well scared. Last night we had The Storm To End All Storms. A tropical summer downpour on steroids. I've never in my life seen anything like it. And I grew up in the Midwest! We watched the sky remain lit up with pretty much non-stop lightning displays for nearly an hour. It was like something you'd see in a sci-fi movie, right before the alien spaceships land. The wind howled, rain blew horizontally in sheets and nickel sized hail rained down on us. At its peak, our downstairs garden and upstairs terrace were covered in a half inch layer of ice balls. We had to close off our master bedroom, eight feet in from the edge of the roof, to keep rain and sleet from pouring in. This morning, we woke up to soaked rugs, and a mountain of torn up leaves, and we discovered we'd lost a good quarter of our olives, plus a goodly number of not-yet-ripe oranges. Mother nature. Fuck!!!!

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