Monday, October 06, 2008
At the Market
Yesterday some friends invited us to join them for a Sunday shopping excursion at Mega, our local supermarket. This being a Festival weekend (celebrating the city's patron saint San Miguel), the store was crowded with shoppers. As we approached the meat/deli section of the store, we saw a brightly colored tent had been erected, underneath which a promotional team, including a high-energy DJ, were hawking hot dogs for some local brand. We didn't think much of it 'til the loudspeakers started pulsing with the familiar beat of American rap music, and then the not-so-familiar lyrical refrain: "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you mama!" We were somewhat astonished, but looking around, it appears the store's Spanish speaking clientele couldn't care less. Ah well... That's part of the reason shopping is so much more fun here than in the U.S.