Monday, October 12, 2009
Turning The Tables

While Mizzy wasn't a stay-at-home mom for all that many years, she still bore the brunt of childrearing and household chores. For a whole lot of years, as I tried to build what became Brains on Fire, I assumed the role of workaholic, breadwinning dad.
Since August, here in Mexico, our roles have suddenly been reversed, and I must say, it's been an eye-opener. I haven't adapted as well I thought I would. Since I've been pretty content being retired, I get resentful of her enthusiasm for the job. I get stir-crazy being home alone for long stretches and get angry when she just wants to relax at home in the evenings. And when we do go out, I get sullen when she needs to leave early to get to bed. I get whiny that she doesn't notice the spotlessly clean kitchen or my new haircut. I get cranky when I have comida ready and Karen gets waylaid somewhere. "Why didn't you call and let me know you were going to be late?!" Yikes! If I had kids to take care of too, I'm sure I'd be on heavy doses of Prozac.
On the other hand, after years of being El Presidente, it's kind of fun to tag along and just be "Karen's husband." I swell with pride when her kids enthuse about what they're learning from her, and write on their blogs what a terrific teacher she is. Also, I have to admit, I feed off her energy and commitment. And yes, every so often she surprises me and makes me feel totally validated. Just last month, she bought me a brand-new iron and ironing board!