Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Role Models

Last night, our about-to-turn-80 Jewish friend Albert and his just-turned-50 Baptist bride Rhonda surprised us with the news that they're putting all their stuff in storage and leaving San Miguel for a year of travel. California, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
Plan A had been to work full-time for a couple of years -- here or in the States -- to amass enough money for a Grande Tour of the world. Upon further reflection, and a sober assessment of health, age and money issues, they decided, "To hell with the luxury approach. If we travel on the cheap, we can skip the two years of hard work and follow our dreams right now." (Did I mention that Rhonda is an incredibly thorough and resourceful travel/event planner?) They've chosen places they love and/or know people. They'll visit each locale during its most desirable season. And they'll stay in each place for at least a month in order to make new friends and savor the local culture. An excellent Plan B as there ever was.
They'll travel light but enriched. They're buying a couple of Kindles and loading them up with reading material. They'll bring all their favorite music on iPods. And God love 'em, they're packing their copy of Kama Sutra 365, to ensure that no matter where they are, each day of their year-long trip will contain a new marital adventure. Rhonda, who's developed a passion for Yiddish, summed it up this way, "We're going to shtup our way around the world!"
As Karen and I this year each celebrate our 60th birthday, Albert & Rhonda have given us, by their example, an invaluable gift that will inspire, challenge and encourage us for years to come. Rock on, amigos, and thanks!