Friday, January 08, 2010


Turning 60

Yeah, on New Year's Day I crossed over to become what most of my friends optimistically refer to as "the new 40" (whatever that means). Inside my brain, like most of my "middle-aged" friends, I still feel like a grown up kid, certainly not much older than mid-30s. When I look in the mirror, I see a dismaying amount of grey, but for the most part think, "Hey this guy could pass for, well... a well-worn 50-year-old." Not so bad, all things considered. So I thought it was particularly apt that on my birthday, approaching mile 20 on my life's marathon, I happened to encounter the following quote from Paul Thorn (whoever he is):

"Everybody looks good at the starting line."

I'll admit it. At this juncture, I'm obviously sensitized to older guy stuff that appears on my cultural radar screen. But in the past month, I've seen three very different, but very excellent films exploring the relationship of an older guy with a younger woman. (No, I'm not having a tawdry mid-life affair.) Anyway, I'd recommend them all... if you haven't seen them already.

Venus, with Peter O'Toole
10 Items or Less, a cute independent film starring Morgan Freeman
Up In The Air, with George Clooney

So I'm now 60. As I approached this chronological milestone, I expected a little angst, trauma, depression, whatever. But here I am. I feel great. I feel happy. l feel incredibly blessed and grateful to be me. Onward!! Bring on the new decade. Let's party!

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