Wednesday, May 05, 2010
One Step Closer.....

Here it official Mexican driver's license. (not good for trucks or motorcycles, thank God!) All it took was a valid driver's license from the states, a blood test to confirm my Blood Type, copies of my passport and visa, a utility bill to prove I live here, and a letter from a doctor saying I'm in good health, able to move my 4 limbs with "good strength and form" and don't need glasses for distance vision. Here's how the eye-check went:
Doctor: Are you far-sighted or near-sighted? Do you need glasses for distance?
Me: I'm a bit near-sighted but my vision has improved and I don't wear glasses now.
Doctor: OK.
When the Transito people read the doctor's letter, they filled in the application for my eyesight as 20/20. I love this place!
Don't get the idea that everything in Mexico is cheap, though. The cost of the 5-year license was about $50 USD, not even counting the cost of the doctor's letter and blood test!